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Product Advantages
Efficient and stable API service
LightPDF's PDF to Word API can quickly and accurately convert PDF documents to editable Word files, improving work efficiency and helping to simplify your business processes. In addition to PDF to Word conversion, we also provide more than 20 file conversion services, including PDF to Excel.
Support for multiple languages and formats
PDF to Word API supports multiple languages including Chinese, English, Japanese, German, French, and suports multiple formats, such as DOC, DOCX, and many others. No matter which language or format your PDF needs to be converted to Word, our API can meet your requirements with great flexibility and adaptability to fit different users and scenarios.
Data security guaranteed
Data protection is guaranteed: PDF to Word API uses HTTPS protocol for data transmission to ensure the security of data transmission. At the same time, the API service provider will also protect user data to prevent data leaks, loss or abuse.
Accurate recognition and high conversion accuracy
LightPDF's PDF to Word API can accurately recognize text, formatting, tables, and images, allowing users to quickly convert PDF files to Word documents without worrying about losing formatting or misplacing text. This avoids manual adjustment and rearrangement, reducing duplicated work and time costs.
Customer Testimonials
We have thousands of encrypted documents and scanned files needed to be archived in PDF format. The access of LightPDF conversion API helps us reduce the unnecessary waste of resources caused by manual conversion. Now we embed LightPDF API in the employees' workflow. It processes hundreds of different files, and generates PDFs quickly, keeping all the files securely archived.
Listed company CDO
Our clients frequently need to deal with various file formats in their business. LightPDF APIs can help programmers save a lot of development time to quickly implement requirements. They just need to access the API to get the services they need.
Saas Software Developer
I am glad that we have found LightPDF conversion API solution with fast speed, stable service, and excellent document conversion effect. With tens of thousands of requests per day, my business is booming, and the API interface has never had a problem in the year we've been using the service.
Internet Enterprise VP
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