Best Websites to Download Stock Video

On the top of our list for the best free stock video websites is Pexels. Explore thousands of free stock videos from the wide range of categories that it offers. What’s interesting about this site is that it gives you access to all of the beautiful and HD stock videos free of charge. Plus, it provides no watermarks videos and download links for various resolutions. With this website, you can sign up for an account, follow videographers who contribute on this site, edit or modify videos, and even download it completely for free.

Next website for copyright free video that we will discuss is Pixabay. It offers millions of photos and videos that can be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes for free. Moreover, you can print or download from the collection of contents on this site. However, there are certain rules that apply when it comes to the right usage of the stock videos. So, make it a habit to always check the Pixabay license or give credit to the owner of the content.
Free Nature Stock

Free Nature Stock is a website that specializes in offering high-quality, royalty-free stock videos and images centered around nature. The platform features a diverse collection of scenic landscapes, wildlife, forests, oceans, and various other natural elements, making it an excellent resource for content creators, filmmakers, and designers. All media can be used for both personal and commercial purposes without the need for attribution.

This website offers high-quality stock video clips, sound effects, music, and video templates. With Mixkit signing up is not required, no watermarks to the contents, and no attribution required that makes it perfect for downloading your favorite footage. Get high definition video clips updated every week. Additionally, you can choose from a great number of categories it provides like business, technology, arts, and fashion. Still, you need to read their terms and conditions just to be safe.

One of the most popular stock footage websites is Shutterstock. It offers high-quality licensed videos which you can avail and use for personal or business purposes. With this online platform, you can search numerous video clips by categories with 4K and HD formats. Also, the site updates new videos every week and ensures you that these stock video clips are being captured through the latest camera and technology. This provides you creative and technical experience even you are just a beginner.

The internet offers countless free video stock sites and Vidsplay is included in them. All of the HD stock videos it offers are for free of charge but it somehow requires attribution if you want to use the clips on other websites or media channels. Moreover, this site updates frequently that is why it can be a great source for your video contents. You can download the video clips with excellent quality.

Flickr proves that it deserves to be listed as one of the best websites for copyright free videos. It offers a wide collection of video clips which you can freely download or share to other people. With this site, you can search videos according to camera types. Plus, it helps you to store, manage, and sort out your videos according to names, time, and activity. The downside of this site is that it doesn’t have any built in editing tools for videos so you will still need another app for that.

If you need a highly versatile free stock video website, then Coverr is for you. It is especially designed for filmmakers and entrepreneurs who need engaging videos for promoting and branding their products. One good thing about this site is that it gives high-quality stock videos without watermarks and no attribution needed. HD clips will be downloaded in a ZIP file which contains the video and the JPG thumbnail image.

Trusted by plenty of people, Videezy gains a lot of respect from its users. It has a wide variety of video clips which you can use for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Nevertheless, you should always check every videos’ licensing info to make sure you can avail your chosen footage. If you want to use it without attribution, you can buy some credits to enjoy premium clips they offer.

Last but not the least is Videvo. This website has a large number of high quality video clips which you can use for personal or commercial intent. It gives you the freedom to avail the 10-second video clips with watermarks but no required attribution or the 30 second video clips without watermarks but with attribution needed. Furthermore, if you want to have premium experience on this website, you can subscribe and avail their VIP offers with Videvo Plus or Videvo Pro
The best free stock video websites are mentioned above. Each of them offers appealing copyright video clips that you can use on websites, blogs, marketing, advertising, and for personal intent. All have unique and helpful features that will surely help you based on what they need to.
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